
Karen: I love you, Ariel and I know that you love me so much. Because of this, I desire to be your wife. For 6 years, I have prayed that God would lead me to His choice and I am confident that His will is being fulfilled today. I praise God continually for you, honey, and for your love and friendship. I was stunned by how naturally you welcomed the responsibilities of being a father.
Besides the gift of salvation & my kids, you are the most precious gift God has given me. You make me want to be a better woman & I need you to help me become the woman God created me to be. I know that along with the new joys God has given me, I face new responsibilities that I cannot fulfill in my own strength. But by God's grace and power working within me, I desire to be trustworthy as your wife, to serve and love you in all circumstances, to obey you & respect you, to allow God to use you to build His qualities in me, as long as God gives us life on this earth. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future I promise to be faithful to you & respect you unconditionally.
I give you my absolute commitment, that we will model the kind of commitment & responsibility that will communicate to our children the permanence of marriage & our vows.
I vow to be patient with you and the circumstances in our lives. I vow not to be boastful of our love or about our accomplishments.I promise to be proud of you, but not proud in love for though I will strive for perfection, I know I can never reach it. I promise not to be quick to anger, but to think before I speak and act. I vow not to keep a record of wrongs, but to always keep the happy memories alive. Through God, our love will never fail. I pray that God would use us as a team to be more effective than we would be individually. God’s Word will always be our guide in decision making & our rock in establishing family values & priorities.
I love you so much, honey.

Your lovely wife,


Honey, this is the moment we’ve been waiting for! We have been praying for this and finally, God has made it come into reality and made a wonderful love story out of our lives. We have the same dreams, and I’m excited to fulfill these with you.
As God has commanded me, I promise to provide for our family, protect it, and love you the Way Jesus loves us.
I want to share your laughter and be supportive during your trying times.
I will always ask you first, if you have your period so I would know if you’re being irritable is because of me or your period.
Honey, you know that I’m a man of few words, and what’s inside the heart is what really counts, so I’ll show you my heart later..

Now that our prayer has been granted, I want to share the rest of my life with you. To cherish every moment we spend with each other, and to make you my # 1 priority in my life next to God until the day I die.
Honey I will love you and I will always choose to love you!

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